Aviation and Space Law Cell

Our Aviation and Space Law Cell is dedicated to promoting the study and understanding of the legal issues related to aviation and space travel. We provide students with the resources and support they need to learn about the complex field of aviation and space law and to engage in meaningful discussions about the legal issues facing these industries

Services offered at Aviation and Space Law Cell, we offer a range of services and programs designed to meet the diverse needs of our community. These include:

  • We regularly host workshops and seminars on a range of topics related to aviation and space law, including air and space safety, airline regulation, and international space law. These events provide an opportunity for students to learn from experts in the field and engage in discussions about cutting-edge issues in aviation and space law.
  • We offer students the opportunity to participate in moot court competitions focused on aviation and space law. These competitions provide students with the opportunity to develop their legal advocacy skills and apply their knowledge of aviation and space law in a simulated legal setting.
  • We offer students the opportunity to participate in research and writing projects related to aviation and space law. These projects provide students with the opportunity to develop their research and writing skills, while also contributing to the intellectual discourse in the field.
  • Our Aviation and Space Law Cell also hosts networking events, allowing students to connect with professionals in the field of aviation and space law. These events provide an opportunity for students to learn more about career opportunities in the field and develop professional relationships that can help them advance in their careers.
  • Our Aviation and Space Law Cell is committed to staying at the forefront of aviation and space law, and we strive to provide our community with the resources and support they need to succeed in these exciting and rapidly evolving industries. We welcome students and members of the community to Aviation and Space Law Cell join us in our mission to promote the study and understanding of aviation and space law.